Subordinate clauses

Subordinate clauses are patterned like sentences, having subjects and verbs and sometimes objects or complements, but they function within sentences as adjectives, adverbs, or nouns. They cannot stand alone as complete sentences.

Exercise: Subordinate clauses 1

Exercise: Subordinate clauses 2

Exercise: Subjects of subordinate clauses

Exercise: Phrases and clauses

subject Grammatically, a word or word group that names who or what a sentence is about.

verb A word that expresses action (jump, think) or being (is, was, seems). A sentence's verb is composed of a main verb possibly preceded by one or more helping verbs.

object The part of the sentence that receives the action of a transitive verb.

complement A word that follows a linking verb and renames the subject (subject complement) or that follows and renames a direct object (object complement).