The comment: More than one point in this paragraph
Similar comments
- Unfocused
- Lacks unity
- Hard to follow
Understanding the comment
When readers tell you that you have “more than one point in this paragraph,” the comment often signals that not all sentences in your paragraph support the topic sentence.
Strategies for revising
- Reread your paragraph and ask questions. What is the main point of the paragraph? Is there a topic sentence that signals to readers what to expect in the rest of the paragraph? Does the rest of the paragraph support the topic sentence? Or have you included sentences that perhaps belong elsewhere in your draft? Would your paragraph make more sense if you divided it into two, separating different ideas?
- Revisit your topic sentence. Your topic sentence should serve as an important signpost for readers. Make sure the wording of your topic sentence is precise and that you have enough evidence to support it in the paragraph.
Related topics:
Stating the main point in a topic sentence
Developing the main point