At the end of the semester, your instructor may ask you to submit a portfolio, or collection, of your writing. A writing portfolio often consists of drafts, revisions, and reflections that demonstrate a writer’s thinking and learning processes or showcase the writer’s best work. Your instructor may give you the choice of submitting a paper portfolio or an e-portfolio.
Reflection—the process of stepping back periodically to examine your decisions, preferences, strengths, and challenges as a writer—is the backbone of portfolio keeping. Your instructor may ask you to submit a reflective document in which you introduce or comment on the pieces in your portfolio and discuss your development as a writer throughout the course.
This reflection may take the form of an essay, a cover letter, or some other kind of statement—often, but not always, placed as an introductory piece in the portfolio. In writing the reflective document, you might try one or more of the following strategies:
Reflective cover letter
reflective writing A genre that examines the writer's thinking, feelings, values, or beliefs as a result of some experience.