Edit the sentence or sentences to eliminate distracting shifts. When you have finished, click on Submit both to check and to record your answer. Answers may vary.
For help with this exercise, see Shifts.
1 of 10
A new neighbor often forms lasting impressions of their neighborhood based on the way they were treated when they first moved in.
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2 of 10
In the film Ironman, Robert Downey Jr. plays an eccentric billionaire whose life is drastically changed when a bomb almost killed him and he was captured by terrorists.
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3 of 10
As we pulled out of the driveway, my father yelled at us to be careful and don’t drive over fifty-five!
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4 of 10
An interior designer usually interviews homeowners to formulate an overall plan for a house. For example, a designer might ask the owners what their favorite colors are and do they enjoy cooking big meals.
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5 of 10
Our elementary school principal expected absolute obedience; he taught you to obey all rules without question.
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6 of 10
When my mother went to college, her research papers were written on typewriters, not computers.
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7 of 10
We were sitting on the stoop, eating takeout burgers and talking, and no one was doing anything illegal. Suddenly, a patrol car cruises by, and four officers jump out and come toward us.
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8 of 10
A standardized test is supposed to measure a student’s knowledge and ability. However, the main thing they measure is how well a student takes standardized tests.
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9 of 10
A woman with a loudspeaker urged us to contact our local representatives about the dangers of global climate change. Also, get involved in other political issues.
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10 of 10
After waiting for three hours to apply for my driver’s license, I finally reached the front of the line. You could see the indifference in the clerk’s face as he told me to come back the following day with proper identification.
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