Directory to activities for multimodal projects
accessibility and usability in a multimodal project
analyzing audience in a multimodal project
creating a working bibliography
documenting sources in different genres
emphasizing information in multimodal projects
getting feedback for multimodal projects
managing your own project files
narrowing topics for multimodal projects
organizing a multimodal project with outline, wireframe, or storyboard
transforming a monomodal project to a multimodal project
understanding accessibility and usability in multimodal projects
understanding audience for multimodal projects
understanding collaborative projects
understanding emphasis in multimodal projects
understanding moving images in multimodal projects (PSAs)
understanding moving images in multimodal projects (interactive ads)
understanding multimodal composing in two projects
understanding multimodal public service announcements (PSAs)
understanding purpose in multimodal projects
understanding revising and remixing in multimodal projects
understanding sound in multimodal projects
understanding static images in multimodal projects
understanding tools for managing files
understanding tools for organizing multimodal projects [[box&21&66&450]]