Editing multimodal compositions
Editing words
Have you chosen the clearest, most appropriate words for your purpose and audience?
Are your sentences and paragraphs in logical order?
Have you included transitions between sentences and paragraphs to improve the flow of your ideas?
Could your ideas be expressed in more concise language?
Do grammar or spelling errors distract from your message?
Editing sounds
Is the volume appropriate? Do any sounds drown out other elements?
Is the pace of the narration right? Not too slow or too fast?
Do you need more sound or more silence?
Is your sound synched properly to any static or moving images that go with it?
Editing static images
Have you chosen the clearest, most appropriate images for your purpose and audience?
Do you need more visual evidence? Do you have the right kind of visuals? Would a graph, for example, be better than a photograph for your composition?
Have you used captions as needed for the images? Some visuals can’t speak for themselves.
Are the images you’ve chosen presented at an appropriate size?
Editing moving images
If you’re using video clips, is the length appropriate?
Is the purpose of the moving images clear in your composition?
Are the moving images emphasizing the right content?
Editing for consistency and clarity
If you’ve made changes in one mode (edited words in the narration, for instance), do you need to make changes in another (edit words that appear on-screen)?
If you’ve produced slides, do they have a consistent design?
Are you using colors, font sizes, and headings purposefully and consistently?
If you have navigation elements in your project, is it clear to your users/viewers how to get from one place to another?
Crediting and citing
Have you cited the works you’re quoting from, paraphrasing, or summarizing?
Have you credited the artists whose music you’ve used?
Have you credited the creators or photographers of the images you’ve used?
Have you credited the creators or composers of the video clips you’ve used?