Quick Help Sentence structure

Need help recognizing errors in subjects, verbs, and objects in your sentences? For more help, follow the links.

Incorrect example sentence: Many streets in San Francisco very steep. Explanation: The linking verb is missing between “San Francisco” and “very steep.”

Correct example sentence: Many streets in San Francisco are very steep. Explanation: The linking verb “are” has been added between ‘San Francisco” and “very steep.”

Get help with linking verbs between subject and noun or adjective.

Incorrect example sentence: In July, is very hot in Arizona. Explanation: A subject is missing for the verb “is.”

Correct example sentence: In July, it is very hot in Arizona. Explanation: The subject “it” has been added before the verb “is.”

Get help with subjects in every sentence.

Incorrect example sentence: Is an apple in the refrigerator. Explanation: An expletive is needed with the verb “Is.”

Correct example sentence: There is an apple in the refrigerator. Explanation: The expletive “There” has been added before the verb “is.”

Get help with subjects in every sentence.

Incorrect example sentence: Andrea she is late all the time. Explanation: The pronoun “she” should not repeat the subject “Andrea.”

Correct example sentence: Andrea is late all the time. Explanation: The pronoun “she” has been deleted, leaving only the subject “Andrea.”

Get help with repeated subjects.

Incorrect example sentence: The cat ran under the car that it was parked on the street. Explanation: The pronoun “it” repeats the relative pronoun “that.”

Correct example sentence: The cat ran under the car that was parked on the street. Explanation: The pronoun “it” has been deleted.

Get help with repeated object or adverb.


Omissions and repetitions 1

Omissions and repetitions 2

Sentence structure 1

Sentence structure 2

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