Freewriting: Cloning

Freewriting: Cloning

Cloning is at the forefront of science in the 21st century, but something about cloning makes my skin crawl . . . animals have been cloned effectively (that sheep Dolly), but how would the process differ in humans — isn’t part of being human all the experiences we have and the things that we learn . . . a cloned human would not have the memories of the original person, so it would not really be the same person at all, which is what makes cloning so creepy... imagine if someone cloned your best friend and you met the clone randomly, thinking it was your friend, and then the clone would not know any of the inside jokes or experiences you’d shared, and it would feel like something out of a bad science fiction movie or an episode of The Twlight Zone, where you don’t understand what’s happened because this person looks just like your friend but you don’t know them and you don’t know what to write next but your keep going and going and wonder if scientists really want to clone entire people, or do they use cloning mostly for research and cloning organs for use on medical patients?

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