Course e-mail (personal communication)

The course e-mail tool, which is different from your personal e-mail account, allows you to send personal messages to your instructor and peers within the course platform. No e-mail address is required. Only the recipient—not the entire class—can see these messages, unless you choose to address everyone. Figure out how the e-mail works, how to do replies to an individual or to all, and how to address an e-mail to your instructor. Many systems allow you to forward messages to an external e-mail account.

Check the syllabus or course policies to see how your instructor wants to communicate with you. Many instructors want you to use the course platform for all class e-mail. They might list their university e-mail address for urgent communication, but that may not mean you should use it for asking questions or turning in assignments.

Because communication is carried out inside the course platform, you need to be sure to check that e-mail frequently. Otherwise you might miss helpful messages, changes to assignments or due dates, or advice on being prepared for class. It is up to you to develop regular communication habits.

Private e-mail message from a course participant

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Home page or welcome page

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