When you produce a typical essay, you usually turn in a printed, paper copy of that essay to your instructor, or perhaps you turn it in by uploading the word-processed document to a course management system like Blackboard. Submitting the work is easy because most students have access to printers and because most essays—even those with a few images—are small electronic files.
Files that include multimodal projects, however, can be extremely large. Or you may have produced a multifile project. Submitting and sharing the project sometimes cannot be done by e-mail or on paper.
It’s important to consider where and how you will publish your multimodal project. Will you post a video on a video-sharing site like YouTube? Will you create a website that your school can host? Will you upload a slide show to your course page? Your instructor may give guidelines about sharing your work with your intended audience. This section includes some tips for thinking through this final stage of the project:
Options for presenting and publishing multimodal works
Pros and cons of presentation and publication spaces
Making your project accessible and usable