Selection in an anthology or a collection (MLA)


In-text citation

In “Love Is a Fallacy,” the narrator’s logical teachings disintegrate when Polly declares that she should date Petey because “[h]e’s got a raccoon coat” (Shulman 391).


  • Put the name of the author of the selection (not the editor of the anthology) in the signal phrase or the parentheses.
  • In the list of works cited, the work is alphabetized under the name of the writer of the selection (in this case Shulman), not under the name of the editor(s) of the anthology.
  • In the example sentence, the brackets are used around the letter h to indicate that the writer changed a capital H in the source to a lowercase h to fit the context of the surrounding sentence. (See also Using brackets to make quotations clear.)

Works cited entry

Shulman, Max. “Love Is a Fallacy.” Current Issues and Enduring Questions, edited by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, 9th ed., Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2011, pp. 383-91.

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