CSE reference list example. Article in an online periodical: citation-sequence and citation-name. [number] 13. [authors, last names plus initials, followed by period] Isaacs FJ, Blake WJ, Collins JJ. [article title, followed by period] Signal processing in single cells. [journal title, not abbreviated if one word, followed by the word “Internet” in brackets and a period] Science [Internet]. [year of publication] 2005 [open bracket, the word “cited,” followed by date of access, closed bracket, semicolon, volume number, issue number in parentheses, colon, page numbers] [cited 2009 Jun 17];307(5717): 1886-1888. [words “Available from,” a colon, and the URL] Available from: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/307/5717/1886