CSE reference list example. Work from a database service: name-year. [authors, last names plus initials, followed by period] Cantor RM, Kono N, Duvall JA, Alvarez-Retuerto A, Stone JL, Alarcon M, Nelson SF, Geschwind DH. [year of publication, followed by period] 2005. [article title, followed by period] Replication of autism linkage: fine-mapping peak at 17 q 21. [journal title, abbreviated, followed by word “Internet” in brackets and period] Am J Hum Genet [Internet]. [open bracket, the word “cited,” followed by date of access, closed bracket, semicolon, volume number, issue number in parentheses, colon, page numbers] [cited 2009 Jun 17];76(6):1050-1056. [name of database, followed by period] Expanded Academic ASAP. [place of publication, followed by colon] Farmington Hills (M I): [database publisher, followed by semicolon] Thomson Gale; [copyright year of database] c2005. [words “Available from,” a colon, and the URL] Available from: http://web4.infotrac.galegroup.com/. [words “Document N o period” followed by colon and document number] Document No.: A133015879.