CSE reference list example. Online report: name-year. [organization abbreviation in brackets] [ACS] [organization name as author, followed by period] American Cancer Society. [publication date, followed by period] 2005. [report title, followed by the label “report on the Internet” in brackets and a period] Cancer facts and figures for African Americans 2005-2006 [report on the Internet]. [place of publication, followed by colon] Atlanta (G A): [publisher, same as author, followed by semicolon] The Society; [the word “cited” and the date of access in brackets, followed by a semicolon] [cited 2005 Jun 23]; [approximate length in brackets, followed by a period] [535K bytes]. [words “Available from,” a colon, and the URL] Available from: http://www.cancer.org/downloads/STT/CAFF2005AACorrPWSecured.pdf