Examples of jargon from different fields

The following are examples of jargon from business, computing, and education, with plain-language translations in parentheses. Consider when such language would be appropriate. What are the assumptions about audience? Purpose? Situation?


core competency: what a company does best

win/win: a good deal for both parties

critical path: something that will delay the project schedule if not completed on time

deliverables: specific results of a project

incentivize: to provide encouragement or reward for certain actions

gophering: looking up over cubicle walls to see what’s going on; running errands that have nothing to do with one’s job description


back door: a hole in the security system

hexadecimal: base 16

multitask: to do several things at once

munching: looking for security holes

wallpaper: background image on a computer screen


accountability: practice of holding teachers or schools responsible for meeting standards or goals

block schedule: schedule with longer than normal periods

mainstreaming: placing students with disabilities in regular classes

rubric” a grading or scoring system stipulating evaluation criteria and levels of quality

traditional calendar: nine-month, 180-day school year, from September to June