Database screen: Search results

Annotation: This article’s focus on surveillance cameras was not relevant. Article: “A New Look at Big Brother,” Business Week Online, December 20, 2007, Technology, 959 words, Peter Burrows.  Annotation: Orlov would want to respond to this survey if she argued that Internet surveillance is unfair. Article: “Wasting Away on the Web; More Employers Taking Workers’ Web Use Seriously,” eWeek August 8, 2005, 692 words, Chris Gonsalves.  Annotation: The Wall Street Journal is widely respected and might offer background for Orlov’s topic. Article: “Snooping E-Mail by Software Is Now a Workplace Norm,” The Wall Street Journal Onlnie, March 9, 2005, Pui-Wing Tam et al.  Annotation: Orlov wondered if the Progressive had a political slant. She made a note to check for bias. Article: “Snooping Bosses; Electronic Surveillance Program,” The Progressive, February 1, 2006: 14, Barbara Ehrenreich.  Annotation: Reviewed by legal experts, a law review article could provide legal context and lend credibility. Article: “Cyber-Working or Cyber-Shirking? A First Principles Examination of Electronic Privacy in the Workplace,” Florida Law Review 54 point 2 (2002): 289-332, Jay P. Kesan.