Positioning the topic sentence
Topic sentences can have various positions in a paragraph. The topic sentences are highlighted in color in the following examples.
Start of green highlighting. All living creatures manage some form of communication. End of green highlighting. The dance patterns of bees in their hive help to point the way to distant flower fields or announce successful foraging. Male stickleback fish regularly swim upside-down to indicate outrage in a courtship contest. Male deer and lemurs mark territorial ownership by rubbing their own body secretions on boundary stones or trees. Everyone has seen a frightened dog put his tail between his legs and run in panic. We, too, use gestures, expressions, postures, and movement to give our words point.
—Olivia Vlahos, Human Beginnings
But flowers are not the only source of spectacle in the wilderness. Start of green highlighting. An opportunity for late color is provided by the berries of wildflowers, shrubs, and trees. End of green highlighting. Baneberry presents its tiny white flowers in spring but in late summer bursts forth with clusters of red berries. Bunchberry, a ground-cover plant, puts out red berries in the fall, and the red berries of wintergreen last from autumn well into winter. In California, the bright red, fist-sized clusters of Christmas berries can be seen growing beside highways for up to six months of the year.
—James Crockett et al., Wildflower Gardening
Tobacco chewing [among the Yanomamö] starts as soon as people begin stirring. Those who have fresh supplies soak the new leaves in water and add ashes from the hearth to the wad. Men, women, and children chew tobacco and all are addicted to it. Once there was a shortage of tobacco in Kaobawa’s village and I was plagued for a week by early morning visitors who requested permission to collect my cigarette butts in order to make a wad of chewing tobacco. Normally, if anyone is short of tobacco, he can request a share of someone else’s already chewed wad, or simply borrow the entire wad when its owner puts it down somewhere. Start of green highlighting. Tobacco is so important to them that their word for “poverty” translates as “being without tobacco.” End of green highlighting.
—Napoleon A. Chagnon, Yanomamö: The Fierce People