Thinking about integrating quotations

You’ve read the article “Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism” in the first section of this module. Near the beginning of her article, Susan D. Blum argues that treating plagiarism as breaking a rule or committing a crime is not likely to help students avoid plagiarism. Do you agree or disagree with her position?

When you are finished, click Submit after the text box to record your answer in your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answer by returning to the exercise at any time. (An exercise reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)

Question 1 of 1

In the space below, write a short paragraph of your own in which you respond to Blum’s position. Use a direct quotation from Blum in your response. Introduce your quotation with a signal phrase, and include an MLA-style in-text citation.