Explore a subject by freewriting
Freewriting is nonstop writing to explore a subject.
When you are finished, click Submit to submit your answer to your instructor’s gradebook. You may review your answer by returning to this activity at any time. (An activity reports to the gradebook only if your instructor has assigned it.)
- Set aside ten or fifteen minutes.
- Write whatever comes to you, without pausing to think too much.
- Don’t worry about punctuation, spelling, or complete sentences at this stage of the process.
- If you get stuck, you can write about being stuck, but keep your fingers moving.
Often something interesting will emerge from freewriting—an eloquent sentence, an honest expression of feeling, or an idea worth investigating.
If you already have a topic, try focused freewriting using the same techniques but focusing on a topic and paying attention to the connections among your ideas.
Freewriting in your own writing
Try freewriting in the following text box.
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