The first two slides from a slide show presentation

Image. Both slides are divided into three parts horizontally. At the top is space for the title of the slide, then a larger space for the content of the slide, and notes at the bottom for the presenter. An annotation points out that the template design allows the composer to focus on developing ideas instead of on appearances. The first slide is the title slide of the presentation. The title is Building a new youth center. In the content area: expert opinion about the need for after-school activity for 10 to 14 year olds. Two lines indicate that the composer intends to insert expert quotes. The notes at the bottom: Start out with what human development experts and social workers say about the value of having a place to go after the school day ends, a place with activity and a positive social environment. The annotation points out that the composer uses notes to plan evidence. The second slide is an interior slide. It has the same title as the first slide. In the content area: Generating Support 2008 to 2010. This is followed by a bullet list of fundraising goals. The notes at the bottom: Discuss the background of the project and the early hurdles. The annotated points out that the notes help the composer create distinct goals for each slide.

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