Author quoted by another author (indirect source) (MLA)

Works cited entry for source

Belmaker, Genevieve. “Five Ways Journalists Can Use Social Media for On-the-Ground Reporting in the Middle East.” Poynter, 19 Nov. 2012,

Paragraph from source (Belmaker)

Peter Townson, a journalist working with the DOHA Center for Press Freedom in Qatar, says there is one obvious reason that some countries in the Middle East have embraced social media so heartily. “It’s kind of the preferred way for people to get news, because they know there’s no self-censorship involved,” Townson said in a phone interview.

In-text citation using quotation from source

In describing the growing popularity and acceptance of social media in the Middle East, Peter Townson points out that social media are “kind of the preferred way for people to get news, because they know there’s no self-censorship involved” (qtd. in Belmaker).


  • If one of your sources uses a quotation from another source and you’d like to use the quotation, provide a works cited entry for the source in which you found the quotation (in this case, Belmaker).
  • In the text of your paper, your signal phrase will mention the person quoted (“Peter Townson points out”) and indicate that the quoted words appear in the source (“qtd. in Belmaker”).