Comment on a blog post (MLA)
Works cited entry
mitchellfreedman. Comment on “Cloud Atlas's Theory of Everything,” by Emily Eakin. NYR Daily, NYREV, 3 Nov. 2012,
For a comment on a blog post, include information about the comment as well as the original post.
- Begin with the author of the comment, using a screen name if one appears in the post, followed by the author’s real name in parentheses (if it is available).
- Give the title of the comment, in quotation marks; if it has no title, use the label “Blog comment,” with no quotation marks.
- Follow with information about the blog: the title of the original post, if there is one (if there is no title, use the label “Blog post,” with no quotation marks); the author of the post, preceded by the word “by”’; the title of the blog, italicized; and the publisher or sponsor of the blog.
- The date should be the date the comment was posted.
- Your date of access if there is no date of posting or update date.
NOTE: When a URL must be divided at the end of a line, break it only after a slash or a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation. Do not insert a hyphen at the end of the line.