Performance (MLA)
Works cited entries
The Draft. By Peter Snoad, directed by Diego Arciniegas, Hibernian Hall, Boston, 10 Sept. 2015.
Snoad, Peter. The Draft. Directed by Diego Arciniegas, Hibernian Hall, Boston, 10 Sept. 2015.
Piano Concerto no. 3. By Ludwig van Beethoven, conducted by Andris Nelsons, performances by Paul Lewis and Boston Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Hall, Boston, 9 Oct. 2015.
- For a live performance of a concert, a play, a ballet, or an opera, begin with the title of the work performed, italicized (or with the writer or director if that person is important to your project).
- If it is a musical work named by form, number, and key, use roman for the title (as in the last example).
- Then give the following, as available:
- the author or composer of the work
- relevant information such as the director, the choreographer, the conductor, or the major performers
- the theater, ballet, or opera company, if any
- the theater and location
- the date of the performance