Basic format for a book (e-book) (APA)
Reference list entry
Wolf, D. A., & Folbre, N. (Eds.). (2012). Universal coverage of long-term care in the United States [Adobe Digital Editions version]. Retrieved from https://
- Give all the information as for a book (on the Web or in an online library).
- For an e-book that you downloaded and read on an e-reader, add the e-reader type in brackets after the book title (“Nook version,” “Kindle version,” “Sony Reader version”).
- For a chapter in an e-book, give the page numbers if the book is paginated.
Note on breaking URLs and DOIs
- If you must break a URL or a DOI at the end of a line, break it after a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation.
- Do not add a hyphen.
- Do not put a period at the end of the entry.