Summarizing and paraphrasing in your own words (APA)

A summary condenses information from a source; a paraphrase repeats the information in about the same number of words as in the original source. When you summarize or paraphrase, you must restate the source’s meaning using your own language. You commit plagiarism if you patchwrite—half-copy the author’s sentences, either by mixing the author’s well-chosen phrases with your own without using quotation marks or by plugging your own synonyms into the author’s sentence structure.

The first paraphrase of the following source is plagiarized—even though the source is cited—because its language is too close to that of the source. The colored strings of words have been copied word-for-word (without quotation marks). In addition, the writer has closely echoed the sentence structure of the source, merely substituting some synonyms (indicated for pointed to, significant for important, not linked for unrelated).


In an effort to seek the causes of this disturbing trend, experts have pointed to a range of important potential contributors to the rise in childhood obesity that are unrelated to media.

—Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, “The Role of Media in Childhood Obesity” (2004), p. 1


According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2004), Start of green highlighting. experts have End of green highlighting. indicated Start of green highlighting. a range of End of green highlighting. significant Start of green highlighting. potential contributors to the rise in childhood obesity that are End of green highlighting. not linked Start of green highlighting. to media End of green highlighting. (p. 1).


A report by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (2004) identified various factors other than media that may affect the childhood obesity crisis.

TIP: To avoid plagiarizing an author’s language, resist the temptation to look at the source while you are summarizing or paraphrasing. Close the book, write from memory, and then open the book to check for accuracy. This technique prevents you from being captivated by the words on the page.