Multiple citations to the same work in one paragraph (APA)

In-text citation

Principal Jean Patrice said, “You have to be able to reach students where they are instead of making them come to you. If you don’t, you’ll lose them” (personal communication, April 10, 2006). Patrice expressed her desire to see all students get something out of their educational experience. This feeling is common among members of Waverly’s faculty. With such a positive view of student potential, it is no wonder that 97% of Waverly High School graduates go on to a four-year university (Patrice, 2006).


  • If you give the author’s name in the text of your paper (not in parentheses) and you mention that source again in the text of the same paragraph, give only the author’s name, not the date, in the later citation.
  • If any subsequent reference in the same paragraph is in parentheses, include both the author and the date in the parentheses.