Two or more works by the same author (APA)
Reference list entries (one author)
Heinrich, B. (2009). Summer world: A season of bounty. New York, NY: Ecco.
Heinrich, B. (2012). Life everlasting: The animal way of death. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
- Use the author’s name for all entries.
- List the entries by year, the earliest first.
Reference list entries (multiple authors)
Breen, M. J. (1983). Comparing the Woodcock-Johnson achievement cluster scores and wide range achievement test in a learning disabled and regular education population. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 39, 86-90.
Breen, M. J. (1989). Cognitive and behavioural differences in AdHD boys and girls. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 30, 711-716. doi:101111/
Breen, M. J., & Altepeter, T. S. (1990). Situational variability in boys and girls identified as ADHD. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 46, 486-490. Retrieved from http://
- Use all authors’ names for all entries.
- List entries by a single author first. List the single-author entries by year, the earliest first.
- List entries with the same first author and different subsequent authors next. Order them alphabetically by subsequent authors’ last names.