Article in a print journal (CSE)
Citation-sequence and citation-name
8. Wasserman EA, Blumberg MS. Designing minds: how should we explain the origins of novel behaviors. Am Sci. 2010;98(3):183-185.
After the author(s) and the title of the article, give the journal title (abbreviated if it is more than one word).
Follow with the year, the volume number, the issue number if there is one (in parentheses), and the page number(s) on which the article appears, with no spaces between the numbers and the punctuation.
- Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.
Wasserman EA, Blumberg MS. 2010. Designing minds: how should we explain the origins of novel behaviors. Am Sci. 98(3):183-185.
After the author(s), the date, and the title of the article, give the journal title (abbreviated if it is more than one word).
Follow with the volume number, the issue number if there is one (in parentheses), and the page number(s) on which the article appears, with no spaces between the numbers and the punctuation.
Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.
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