Map (CSE)

Citation-sequence and citation-name

21. Northeastern United States. West Nile virus: wild bird cases [demographic map]. Washington (DC): Department of the Interior (US); 2001 Jun 1. 1 sheet: color.

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  • First name the cartographer, if any, followed by the area represented, the title of the map, and, in brackets, the type of map.

  • Provide the place of publication, publisher, and date of publication.

  • If it is relevant, include a brief physical description of the map: the number of sheets, size, color or black and white, and scale.


Northeastern United States. 2001 Jun 1. West Nile virus: wild bird cases [demographic map]. Washington (DC): Department of the Interior (US). 1 sheet: color.

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  • First name the cartographer, if any, followed by the publication date, the area represented, the title of the map, and, in brackets, the type of map.

  • Provide the place of publication and the publisher.

  • If it is relevant, include a brief physical description of the map: the number of sheets, size, color or black and white, and scale.

  • CSE does not provide specific guidelines for the name-year reference list. You may use a hanging indent (as shown here) for readability.

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CSE guidelines, reference list

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