Print book (CSE)

Citation-sequence and citation-name

10. Tobin M. Endangered: biodiversity on the brink. Golden (CO): Fulcrum; 2010.

Additional example, annotated


  • Give the author’s last name first followed by initial(s), with no punctuation between the last name and the initial(s).

  • Capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns in the title, and do not italicize the title.

  • Use a semicolon between the publisher’s name and the date of publication.

  • Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.

Citation-sequence and citation-name

Tobin M. 2010. Endangered: biodiversity on the brink. Golden (CO): Fulcrum.

Additional example, annotated


  • Do not number the entries. List them alphabetically by authors’ last names.

  • Give the author’s last name first followed by initial(s), with no punctuation between the last name and the initial(s).

  • Give the date of publication immediately following the author’s name.

  • Capitalize only the first word and any proper nouns in the title, and do not italicize the title.

  • Use a semicolon between the publisher’s name and the date of publication.

  • Make the first line of the entry flush with the left margin. Indent any additional lines in the entry one-quarter inch.

Related topics:

CSE guidelines, reference list

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