Sample student writing: Laboratory report and review of the literature

Conducting an experiment gives you practice in collecting and interpreting data. Writing a laboratory report allows you to describe an experiment and its results. This laboratory report was written for a botany course. The writers used the citation-sequence system of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) for formatting their paper and citing and listing sources.

A literature review assignment is an opportunity to learn about one topic in a particular field and to describe and analyze the questions other researchers have studied and to suggest new directions for research. This review of the literature was written for a biology course. The writer used the citation-sequence system of the Council of Science Editors (CSE) for formatting the paper and citing and listing sources.

Johnson and Arnold, “Distribution Pattern of Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) on an Abandoned Golf Course” PDF download

Martin, “Hypothermia, the Diving Reflex, and Survival” PDF download