Need help deciding whether your sentence has a dangling modifier? For more help, follow the links.

Also see Quick help: Repairing dangling modifiers

Incorrect example sentence: Deciding to join the navy, the recruiter enthusiastically pumped Joe's hand.

Correct example sentence: When Joe decided to join the navy, the recruiter enthusiastically pumped his hand.

Get help with dangling participial phrases.

Incorrect example sentence: After winning the account, construction was set to begin in June.

Correct example sentence: After Moreno and Company won the account, construction was set to begin in June.

Get help with dangling gerund phrases.

Incorrect example sentence: To please the children, some fireworks were set off a day early.

Correct example sentence: To please the children, we set off some fireworks a day early.

Get help with dangling infinitive phrases.

Incorrect example sentence: Though only sixteen, UCLA accepted Martha's application.

Correct example sentence: Though Martha was only sixteen, UCLA accepted her application.

Get help with dangling elliptical clauses.


Dangling modifiers 1

Dangling modifiers 2

Dangling modifiers 3

Dangling modifiers 4