Need help deciding whether your sentence has a problem with pronouns? For more help, follow the links.

Incorrect example sentence: When someone has been drinking, they are likely to speed.

Correct example sentence: Someone who has been drinking is likely to speed.

Correct example sentence: When someone has been drinking, he or she is likely to speed.

Get help with pronoun-antecedent agreement with indefinite pronouns.

Incorrect example sentence: Every runner must train vigorously if they want to excel.

Correct example sentence: All runners must train vigorously if they want to excel.

Correct example sentence: Every runner must train vigorously if he or she wants to excel.

Get help with pronoun-antecedent agreement with generic nouns.

Incorrect example sentence: Romeo and Juliet were both too young to have acquired much wisdom, and that accounts for their rash actions.

Correct example sentence: Romeo and Juliet were both too young to have acquired much wisdom, a fact that accounts for their rash actions.

Get help with pronoun reference.

Incorrect example sentence: In the encyclopedia it states that male moths can smell female moths from several miles away.

Correct example sentence: The encyclopedia states that male moths can smell female moths from several miles away.

Get help with pronoun reference.

Incorrect example sentence: My sister bought tickets for my mother and I.

Correct example sentence: My sister bought tickets for my mother and me.

Get help with pronoun case.

Incorrect example sentence: You will work with the senior engineers, who you will meet later.

Correct example sentence: You will work with the senior engineers, whom you will meet later.

Get help with who vs. whom.