Cutting empty or inflated phrases

An empty phrase can be cut with little or no loss of meaning. Common examples are introductory word groups that apologize or hedge: in my opinion, I think that, it seems that, one must admit that, and so on.

Example sentence with editing. Original sentence: In my opinion, our current immigration policy is misguided. Revised sentence: Our current immigration policy is misguided. Explanation:

Inflated phrases can be reduced to a word or two without loss of meaning.

Example sentence with editing. Original sentence: We will file the appropriate papers in the event that we are unable to meet the deadline. Revised sentence: We will file the appropriate papers if we are unable to meet the deadline. Explanation: The words “in the event that” are replaced by “if.”

You will improve your style if you choose the concise word or phrase over one that is inflated.

Other sources of wordiness include expletive constructions and passive voice.

Choosing the concise word or phrase opens in new window


Wordy sentences 1

Wordy sentences 2

Wordy sentences 3

Wordy sentences 4