Transitive verbs, objects, and complements
Direct object
A transitive verb takes a direct object, a word or word group that names a receiver of the action.
The simple direct object is always a noun, such as bag, or a pronoun. To find it, simply strip away all modifiers.
Active voice
Transitive verbs usually appear in the active voice, with the subject doing the action and a direct object receiving the action.
Passive transformation
Active-voice sentences can be transformed into the passive voice, with the subject receiving the action instead.
What was once the direct object (the early worm) has become the subject in the passive-voice transformation, and the original subject appears in a prepositional phrase beginning with by.
The by phrase is frequently omitted in passive-voice constructions:
Direct objects and indirect objects
The direct object of a transitive verb is sometimes preceded by an indirect object, a noun or pronoun telling to whom or for whom the action of the sentence is done.
Direct objects and object complements
The direct object of a transitive verb is sometimes followed by an object complement, a word or word group that completes the direct object’s meaning by renaming or describing it.
When the object complement renames the direct object, it is a noun (such as thing) or pronoun. When it describes the direct object, it is an adjective (such as firm and strong).
Indirect objects and object complements