Need help deciding whether to use a semicolon or a comma? For more help, follow the links.

Example sentence with editing. Original sentence: A strong wind picked up from the northwest, towering thunderheads were forming. Revised sentence: A strong wind picked up from the northwest; towering thunderheads were forming.

Get help with semicolons between independent clauses.

Example sentence with editing. Original sentence: Many investors fear a recession, however, they expect the Federal Reserve Board to intervene through monetary policy. Revised sentence: Many investors fear a recession; however, they expect the Federal Reserve Board to intervene through monetary policy.

Get help with semicolons with transitional expressions.

Example sentence with editing. Original sentence: Honduras has some interested places to visit: cloud forests, which feature unusual epiphytes, coral reefs and deep canyons, which surround the Bay Islands, and hot tropical lowlands, where banana companies have created huge plantations. Revised sentence: Honduras has some interested places to visit: cloud forests, which feature unusual epiphytes; coral reefs and deep canyons, which surround the Bay Islands; and hot tropical lowlands, where banana companies have created huge plantations.

Get help with semicolons between items in a series.

Also get help with unnecessary semicolons.


The semicolon and the comma 1

The semicolon and the comma 2

The semicolon and the comma 3

The semicolon and the comma 4