Portfolio requirements
If you are required to prepare a portfolio, make sure you clearly understand what is expected. As early in the course as possible, be sure you know the answers to the following questions:
- Should the portfolio be a paper collection or an electronic one? Is it your choice?
- Will the portfolio be a process portfolio, an evaluation portfolio, a professional portfolio, or a combination?
- Who will evaluate the portfolio, and how will it be used? Will the portfolio be checked or assessed before the end of the term? If so, when or how often?
- Are you free to choose any or all of the pieces to include? Should you revise papers even after they have been graded and returned?
- Are you free to include a variety of items (not just rough and final drafts of papers), such as outlines and notes, journal entries, photographs or other visuals, comments from reviewers, sound files, or video clips?
- Will your instructor be the primary or only audience for the portfolio? Or will the portfolio be shared with peers or with other instructors?
TIP: Save your notes, drafts, and reviewers’ comments for possible use in your portfolio. The more you have assembled, the more you have to choose from to represent your best work. Keep your documents organized in a paper or electronic file system for easy access.