Naming your files
Naming files clearly will help you keep track of your work whether you are the only one using your files or you are sharing files with classmates. One way to manage your files is to use a descriptive and consistent naming system—use your last name or initials, the project name (abbreviated), the stage of your process (draft, revision, final), the date, or any other identifiers that will make each file for each stage of each project distinct. A folder full of files with generic names like “essay_draft” or “file1” or “audio_raw” will very quickly get confusing.
For example, the filename YoshidaR_AdAnalysis_Draft_10-13-13.docx contains the writer’s name, the assignment (analysis of an advertisement), the stage of the process (draft), and the date.
Don’t delete or alter file name extensions: .pdf, .wav, .docx. Those extensions tell computers what the file type is and what application to use to open the file. Without them, your files may not open properly.