Keeping a vocabulary notebook

Use a vocabulary notebook to keep track of new words—especially those that you have seen more than one time or that you have seen in a few different places. You can make a vocabulary notebook in a binder with loose-leaf paper (single sheets), in a bound journal, or in a simple composition book.

While you are reading for your classes, jot down a few new words in your notebook, along with the sentences in which you found the words. After you finish reading, look up each word in an English-English dictionary. Record the word’s definition and part of speech and scan the dictionary page for related words. If you look up the noun effect, for instance, you will find in the same entry or on the same page the verb effect, the related adjective effective, the noun effectiveness, and the adverb effectively.

Keeping track of related words is an easy way to expand your vocabulary with little effort.

Sample vocabulary notebook entry opens in new window

Academic Word List opens in new window

Blank vocabulary notebook pages PDF download

Related topics:

Intensive and extensive language activities

Reading while listening

Using a dictionary or a thesaurus

Becoming familiar with the Academic Word List

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