Activities for intensive and extensive language practice

Activities for intensive and extensive language practice




• reading a textbook chapter for content

• reading difficult material with unfamiliar vocabulary

• reading essays to understand different organizational styles or grammatical patterns

• reading novels or nonfiction books for pleasure

• reading newspapers or magazines regularly

• reading Web sites or blogs for entertainment


• writing an essay for class or for a test

• writing a formal letter, application, or résumé

• completing grammar exercises that focus on specific grammatical concepts

e-mailing friends, chatting online, blogging

• keeping a journal or diary regularly

• freewriting or fiction writing for enjoyment


• listening to take notes or to follow directions (in class)

• listening to dictation to record text accurately

• listening for specific words, sounds, or intonations

• listening to friends talk

• listening to TV shows or movies to get a general idea

• listening to the radio


• giving a formal speech

• practicing careful pronunciation

• emphasizing or focusing on specific grammatical forms (such as the past tense) while speaking

• having a conversation with English-speaking friends

• chatting on the phone

• participating in class discussions