Strategies for Online Learners
Online learning presents opportunities to pursue educational goals you might not otherwise be able to fit into your schedule and gives you a chance to take your learning into your own hands. It also gives you a chance to collaborate with others using technology to work, write, communicate, and learn. You can take advantage of these opportunities if you prepare yourself for the online learning environment, find ways to stay motivated, treat other learners with respect, and address challenges with creativity and flexibility.
Writer’s Help is an excellent tool for online learners. In addition to the advice in Strategies for Online Learners, you have at your fingertips a wealth of practical advice on how to develop your critical and analytical skills, how to develop ideas for papers, and how to do research in preparation for writing. You have useful guidelines on how to collaborate with others through peer review. If you are an international student or speak a different language with family and friends, you can find useful ideas for adjusting to US academic life and to performing in class to the top of your ability.