Starting strong and ending strong


The beginnings and endings of speeches are critical to gaining and holding an audience’s attention. Just as with a written paper, your oral presentation will benefit from using effective strategies for introductions and conclusions. If you start strong and end well, chances are very good you will be successful overall.

Plan what you want to happen in the opening moments. Introduce yourself and move confidently through your introduction. Whether you are speaking from slides, from notes, or from memory, it will help to memorize your first few sentences. You will find your voice, quiet your heart, and start communicating with your audience.

When you wrap up, do it tightly and according to plan. Memorize your concluding sentences, and use a confident voice to deliver your final messages. You don’t want to end with a whimper: “Well, uh, I guess that’s it.” As soon as you finish, engage the audience: “I know you must have some good questions for me.” When you finish, thank the audience.