Evaluating appeals (ethos, logos, pathos) as a reader


Rhetoricians distinguish among three kinds of appeals used to influence readers—ethical, logical, and emotional. As you evaluate arguments, identify these appeals and question their effectiveness. Are they appropriate for the audience and the argument? Are they balanced and legitimate or lopsided and misleading?

Ethical appeals (ethos)

Ethical arguments call upon a writer’s character, knowledge, and authority. Ask questions such as the following when you evaluate the ethical appeal of an argument:

Logical appeals (logos)

Reasonable arguments appeal to readers’ sense of logic, rely on evidence, and use inductive and deductive reasoning. Ask questions such as the following to evaluate the logical appeal of an argument:

Emotional appeals (pathos)


Emotional arguments appeal to readers’ beliefs and values. Ask questions such as the following to evaluate the emotional appeal of an argument.

Advertising can make use of ethical, logical, or emotional appeals to persuade consumers to buy a product or embrace a brand. The Patagonia ad linked below makes an ethical appeal with its copy that invites customers to rethink their purchasing practices.