Video or audio from the Web (MLA)
Works cited entries
Lewis, Paul. “Citizen Journalism.” YouTube, 14 May 2011,
Fletcher, Antoine. “The Ancient Art of the Atlatl.” Russell Cave National Monument, narrated by Brenton Bellomy, National Park Service, 12 Feb. 2014,
Burstein, Julie. "Four Lessons in Creativity." TED, Feb. 2012,
- Cite video or audio that you accessed on the Web as you would a short work from a Web site.
- Give information about the author before the title of the video.
- Provide additional information about performers or speakers after the title, as in the second example.
- Give the Web site title, the publisher or sponsor (if different from the Web site), the date of posting, and the URL.
- Give your date of access if there is no posting or update date.
NOTE: When a URL must be divided at the end of a line, break it only after a slash or a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation. Do not insert a hyphen at the end of the line.