Two or more works by the same author (MLA)
In-text citation
The American Diabetes Association tracks trends in diabetes across age groups. In 2012, more than 200,000 children and adolescents had diabetes (“Statistics”). Because of an expected dramatic increase in diabetes in young people over the next forty years, the association encourages “strategies for implementing childhood obesity prevention programs and primary prevention programs for youth at risk of developing type 2 diabetes” (“Number”).
In-text citation
Researchers have estimated that “the number of youth with type 2 [diabetes] could quadruple and the number with type 1 could triple” by 2050, “with an increasing proportion of youth with diabetes from minority populations” (Amer. Diabetes Assn., “Number”).
- If your list of works cited includes two or more titles by the same author, mention the title of the work in the signal phrase or include a short version of the title in the parentheses.
- Titles of articles and other short works are placed in quotation marks; titles of books and other long works are italicized.
- In the rare case when both the author’s name and a short title must be given in parentheses, separate the name and title with a comma (as in the second example).
- Note that common terms are abbreviated in the parentheses (as in the second example) but not in the signal phrase (as in the first example).
Works cited entries
American Diabetes Association. "Statistics about Diabetes." American Diabetes Association, 1 Apr. 2016,
---. “Number of Youth with Diabetes Projected to Rise Substantially by 2050.” American Diabetes Association, 21. Nov. 2012,