Author unknown (MLA)


In-text citation

As a result, kids see about four thousand ads per year encouraging them to eat unhealthy food and drinks (“Facts”).


  • Either use the complete title in a signal phrase or use a short form of the title in parentheses.
  • Titles of books and other long works are italicized; titles of articles and other short works are put in quotation marks.

Note on authors of Web sources

Before assuming that a Web source has no author, do some detective work. Often the author’s name is available but is not easy to find. For example, it may appear at the end of the source, in tiny print. Or it may appear on another page of the site, such as the home page.

Works cited entry

“The Facts on Junk Food Marketing and Kids.” Prevention Institute, -activity/supporting-healthy-food-and-activity-environments-advocacy/ get-involved-were-not-buying-it/735-were-notbuying-it-the-facts-on -junk-food-marketing-and-kids.html. Accessed 21 Apr. 2013.