Basic format for a book (print) (Chicago)



9. Mary N. Woods, Beyond the Architect’s Eye: Photographs and the American Built Environment (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009), 45.


Woods, Mary N. Beyond the Architect’s Eye: Photographs and the American Built Environment. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2009.


  • In the note, give the author’s name in normal order, first name followed by middle and last names.
  • Follow with a comma and the title. Place the city, publisher, and year in parentheses. End with the page number for the material you are citing.
  • In the bibliography, invert the author’s name—last name first, followed by a comma and the first and middle names.
  • Follow with a period and the title. Do not use parentheses for the city, publisher, and year. Do not add page numbers.