Selection in an anthology (Chicago)
14. Janet Walsh, “Unequal in Africa: How Property Rights Can Empower Women,” in The Unfinished Revolution: Voices from the Global Fight for Women’s Rights, ed. Minky Worden (New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012), 161.
Walsh, Janet. “Unequal in Africa: How Property Rights Can Empower Women.” In The Unfinished Revolution: Voices from the Global Fight for Women’s Rights, edited by Minky Worden, 159-66. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2012.
- In both the note and the bibliography, begin with the author of the selection and place the title of the selection in quotation marks.
- Follow with the title of the anthology and the editor of the anthology.
- In the note, use the word “in” (lowercase) before the title of the anthology and the abbreviation “ed.” (for “edited by”) before the editor’s name. (Use “ed.” for one or more editors.)
- In the bibliography, use the word “In” (capitalized) before the title of the anthology and the words “edited by” before the editor’s name.
- In the note, give the specific page(s) for your citation. In the bibliography, give the page range for the selection after the editor’s name.