Short work from a Web site (Chicago)



44. Dan Archer, “Using Illustrated Reportage to Cover Human Trafficking in Nepal’s Brick Kilns,” Poynter, last modified December 18, 2012,


Archer, Dan. “Using Illustrated Reportage to Cover Human Trafficking in Nepal’s Brick Kilns.” Poynter, last modified December 18, 2012.


  • Begin with the author, if the short work has one.
  • Give the title of the short work, in quotation marks.
  • Add the sponsor of the site, the date of publication or the modified (update) date, and the URL for the home page of the site.
  • Do not italicize a Web site title unless the site is an online book or periodical or a blog.
  • If a site does not have a date of publication or a modified date, give the date you accessed the site (“accessed January 3, 2014”).

Note on breaking URLs and DOIs

  • If you must break a URL or a DOI at the end of a line, break it after a colon or a double slash or before any other mark of punctuation.
  • Do not add a hyphen.
  • Do not put a period at the end of the entry.