Screenshot from Disabled Sports USA

Screenshot from Disabled Sports USA

Founded in 1967, Disabled Sports USA is an organization that seeks to “improve the lives of wounded warriors, youth and adults with disabilities by providing sports and recreation opportunities.” The homepage image below is not only a gateway to finding additional information on the organization’s goals, chapters, and athletic programs; it also seeks to tell a story about sports and disability. As you examine the elements of this homepage (and explore the site on your own), consider how the images, text, and design here tell a story, and also consider how that story compares to Nancy Mairs’s “On Being a Cripple” (p. 185).


<<insert pick-up from Palmquist, Joining the Conversation 2e–>>


Courtesy of Disabled Sports USA. Archer photo: Courtesy of Arizona Disabled Sports; Skier photo: Courtesy of © Tyler Stableford Photography. Reproduced by permission.

The Reader’s Presence

After exploring the screenshots from Disabled Sports USA and their Web site, consider the questions below. Then “submit” your responses.

Question 3.1


Question 3.2


Question 3.3


<<Settings>> [suggested defaults are bold]